What Is a Freelance Riding Instructor or Trainer?

You’ve likely heard of freelancing in other fields like writing or design but what about freelancing in the equestrian industry? For riding instructors and trainers this is a real possibility and one that comes with a string of benefits.

Here’s what you need to know about freelance riding instructors as a barn owner, a rider, or a potential freelancer yourself.

What Is a Freelance Riding Instructor or Trainer

A freelance riding instructor or trainer is one who is not tied to a specific barn or boarding facility. Freelance trainers will travel from facility to facility to work with clients rather than expecting their clients to go to whichever facility they call home.

Freelance vs. Resident Riding Instructors

The opposite of freelancing is becoming a resident riding instructor. Resident trainers are tied to a single barn or facility where they offer their services.

Benefits of Freelance Riding Instructors

There are a number of benefits for freelance riding instructors as freelancers, facility owners, and riders.

Freelance riding instructors can expand the reach of their services far beyond one barn which has a capacity of clients. As a freelance trainer, you will be able to go from facility to facility and hold a wider book of clients. Plus, you won’t feel tied to one place if relationships become strained with the barn owner.

As a facility owner, working with freelance riding instructors can potentially reduce your insurance premiums, cut staff costs, and offer your clientele more variety. Because your boarders aren’t stuck with a trainer you employ that they may not mesh with, you can potentially keep a more loyal group of boarders. Beyond this, a freelance instructor may actually bring you business as they work between a few facilities and existing clients move to stay within their range.

As a rider, freelance riding instructors offer you more flexibility. When you bring in a freelance trainer you don’t have to worry about which facility you’re at. In some situations where resident trainers are the only options, you could find that you are happy with the facility but unhappy with the resident trainer. This could leave to you moving to a second-choice facility to get training that better meets your needs.

Drawbacks of Freelance Riding Instructors

The drawback with freelance riding instructors is that you aren’t as often on the property as a resident trainer would be. Because freelancers aren’t on the staff at your facility of choice, this generally means they are only present when they have lessons or other services lined up. This may be seen as an inconvenience for some riders and barn managers.

As a freelance riding instructor, you will have more worries with managing a book of clients, holding an insurance policy, and other self-employed business headaches. It can be easier to be an employee but sometimes the flexibility of being your own boss is enough to make the pros outweigh the cons.

Insurance and Freelance Riding Instructors

You’ll want to consult with your insurance provider to determine what type of policy will work best for you as a facility owner who has freelance trainers or as a freelance trainer offering services. You want to make sure you’re properly protected no matter your situation and you should always turn to the expects when it comes to insurance.

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